Adrenal Fatigue Health Tips

adrenal fatigue natural healthLow energy or physical exhaustion is probably the most common symptom I see as a holistic doctor. These days we hear a lot about adrenal fatigue. If you tend to be wired or wake in the early hours and feel wacked out and tired during the day or find it hard to get out of bed in the morning then consider adrenal fatigue.

So when the adrenal glands are not working so well what are some health tips we can take in our lives to help the adrenal glands recover.

The adrenal glands love salt. If you find yourself craving salt this may be because the adrenals need the salt to help them work properly. Sodium deficiency can lead to adrenal fatigue. Sea salt and natural salts from fresh clean lakes or sea beds are great for helping the adrenal glands recover. Some patients crave salt so much they will put it on much of their food or eat salty foods to help their adrenals recover.

B vitamins. The adrenal glands need B vitamins to function. Thiamine or vitamin B1 and pantothenic acid (B5) are particularly important for adrenal gland recovery. I often get exhausted patients to take a regular good potent B complex in the mornings or an adrenal stress formula containing B vitamins.

Vitamin C around 3000mg per day can really help recovery from adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands need a lot of Vitamin C to work well.  I often get patients to make up a Vitamin C drink and sip it over the day to help adrenal recovery. Licorice, ginseng, withania, rhodiola are all herbs that help recovery from adrenal fatigue.

Occasionally patients need adrenal extracts (Adrenal Rebuilder by Dr Wilson) or adrenal prescriptions like the bio-identical hormone DHEA in a good morning dose helps recovery. This is a more specialised area and needs a consultation to sort out DHEA levels and doses appropriate to help recovery.

Nutrisearch do a great Super Adrenal Stress Formula with the nutrients needed to help recover from adrenal fatigue along with adrenal herbal formulas and you can order direct from them if you let them know you are one of my patients who has fatigue and you are working with me on this area they will help you with an adrenal formula regime. Best idea to come see me first so we can work out the correct regime for you. Dr Wilson who created these adrenal formulas has done many years of adrenal research.


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Nutrients and herbs are important and so are minerals like calcium, magnesium, chromium, vanadium and zinc. Healthy fats and proteins are also key so it is a good idea to have oils like fish oils, avocado (rich in Vitamin E), coconut, walnut, almonds and avoid too much caffeine, late nights, alcohol or cigarettes and other stimulants like refined sugar and sweet carbohydrate foods.

Being able to sleep in between 7am to 9am is also sometimes needed to allow the adrenal glands to fully repair. Sleep quality can be improved with magnesium and Vitamin D. Exercise should be gentle until the adrenals have recovered.