4 Brickfield Way Auckland 1010 New Zealand
To contact via email to make an appointment or other requests: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
09 307 6411 http://www.aucklandholisticcentre.co.nz
Other Information:
The Auckland Holistic Centre is located at 4 Brickfield Way, Freemans Bay. There is 3 hours free visitor parking in nearby Telpher St or 2 hour paid parking on Beaumont St. The clinic is based in the apartment down Brickfield Way on the right towards the brick building. It is not far from New World, Victoria Park. If you prefer ZOOM or Mobile phone/landline phone telehealth consultations to save time travelling or parking in the city then let Dr Helen's assistant know and this option is an easy one for your busy day.