Dr Helen Smith is an integrative medical doctor registered with the Medical Council of NZ and working in Nutritional & Integrative Medicine.
She does Face to Face consultations and can do telephone to your mobile phone or visual (via Zoom ) consults.
Telehealth consultations via ZOOM can save you time driving to the city or make it easier if any of your family are unwell and you need to be at home.
The physical address for the clinic is: 4 Brickfield Way, Freemans Bay in Auckland Central, New Zealand.
There is 180 min visitor parking in nearby Telpher Street that you can park and then walk into the clinic nearby.
Dr Helen Smith's areas of work include hormone balancing during the menopause and helping work with low energy or health issues using nutritional and lifestyle medicine. A person who is tired and wants a blood tests for their nutrients and hormone check would be a common example.
Dr Helen does Compounding Pharmacy prescriptions for bio-identical hormones and medicines to support menopause and hormone balance. She also can help in other specific health areas using nutritional medicine and supplements and does see some men and young adults and teens, but mainly women of all ages.
Dr Helen is a registered medical doctor, but recommends you keep your own local GP and hospital services for medical emergencies, accidents & routine medical visits for pharmaceutical prescription medications. For routine GP matters use your local GP and organize a consultation with Dr Helen for integrative nutritional medicine and help with hormones, menopause, energy issues or other health issues where you would like an integrative nutritional medicine doctor to review your symptoms and health needs.
We look forward to helping you with your personal or family health needs. For help to make an appointment you can email rThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Dr Helen's assistant (Kaila) to help you make a booking.